every Thursday at 7.25 for 7.30
Mountnessing Village Hall, Roman Road, Mountnessing, Essex, England,
CM15 0UG
Source: EBU Club Director's training course.
Tend to be more lenient at clubs compared with at national / county events
If the board has not been shuffled from the previous week: reshuffle, re-deal, and discount all scores to date
Psyches and misbids are handled in laws 40A/B. Either can be Red / Amber / Green. Red can be resolved 60/40. [Generally, red = “fielded”]
After an irregularity, failure to call director can damage your claim. [Avoid “sour grapes syndrome”]
If there is disagreement as to whether there was a hesitation ask, e.g., “did you think about it before passing?”
Opponents are entitled to a full explanation, avoiding words like ‘natural’, ‘normal’, and the convention name, unless the convention is widely understood, e.g., Stayman.
Keep movements as simple as practical
Best for a playing director to sit South at Table 1
According to Max Bevin, if need to arrow-switch, then switch 10% of the boards. Can switch 90 degrees either way, but all boards in a round must be rotated the same way
Score Adjustments
If there is a need for an adjusted score because the board cannot be played:
If to blame, take 40%, or session average if lower
If not to blame, but could have averted it, take 50%
If not to blame and no opportunity to correct, take 60%, or session average if higher
If there is an adjusted score, reduce the top by 1, e.g., what would have been 24 becomes 23. The bottom score is adjusted by the same amount. [NB ScoreBridge automatically handles score adjustments for not played boards and artificially adjusted boards.]
An assigned adjusted score is where the TD judges that a different contract / outcome is appropriate, e.g., it has been played, but one pair has been ‘damaged’
You can’t do a 40/50/60 adjustment if the board has been played
Lead Penalties
They apply if:
Insufficient / wrong bid is not corrected
After a revoke
After a lead out of rotation that is not accepted
If a revoke is suspected:
Declarer can query either defender
Either defender can query Declarer
No other combination is permissible
You do not have to own up to a revoke if nobody else notices
If a revoke is thus avoided the card should be corrected but the original card played becomes a penalty card, with possible lead penalties
Conduct of Appeals
TD forms a panel of experienced players
TD summarises the issue to the panel
Appeals committee ask each pair for their view
The appeals committee verdict is relayed to the TD
TD can refer to external people, e.g., leading county or national experts
False Claims
TD tends to judge against the player making the claim if there is legitimate doubt. Any subsequent play after a claim is voided
Delayed objection to a claim is covered by Laws 69B / 79C – can be actioned up to 30 minutes after the posting of the results. [At Mountnessing the results are formally posted at 18:45 on the first meeting after the one in question.]